Jorge Zárate

Outstanding actor in theater, film and television, with more than thirty years of experience, being part of major projects in the Mexican scene.

For the big screen he has worked under the direction of figures such as Carlos Cuarón, Fernando Sariñana, Felipe Cazals, Luis Estrada, Jorge Michel Grau and Kenya Márquez, among others.

His filmography includes titles such as Dos Abrazos' (Two Hugs) (Dir. Enrique Begné), which won him the Ariel Award in the category of Best Actor (2008); 'Nicotina' (Dir. Hugo Rodríguez) (Dir. Hugo Rodríguez), for which he was nominated for an Ariel Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role (2004); and Pachito Rex, Me voy pero no del todo' (Pachito Rex, I'm Leaving But Not Completely) (Dir. Fabián Hofman), for which he was nominated for an Ariel Award for Best Actor (2001). In addition, works such as De la calle' (From the street) (Dir. Gerardo Tort); El crimen del Padre Amaro' (Dir. Carlos Carrera); Before Night Falls' (Dir. Julián Schnabel), sharing credits with Javier Bardem; 'Tlatelolco, Verano del 68' (Dir. Carlos Bolado); 'Eddie Reynolds and the Angels of Steel' (Dir. Gustavo Moheno); 'Tlatelolco, Verano del 68' (Dir. Gustavo Moheno); 'Cantinflas' (Dir. Sebastián del Amo); and ‘Oliverio y la Piscina' (Dir. Arcadi Palerm-Artis).

In television he has participated in productions such as ‘Capadocia' (HBO), La Ruta Blanca' (Cadena Tres), 'El Señor de los Cielos' (Telemundo), 'El Secreto de Selena' (BTF Media), 'La Casa de las Flores' (Netflix), 'Dale Gas' (Netflix), 'Horario Estelar' (Star+), 'Dra. Lucía' (TV Azteca) and '¿Quién lo mató?' (Prime Video).

In theater he has participated in productions under the direction of Daniel Giménez Cacho, Francisco Franco, Carlos Corona, Fernando Bonilla and Benjamín Cann, among others. He has ventured into drama and comedy alike, also acting as producer and stage director.

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