Ilse Salas

Mexican actress of film, television and theater, with notable participations in many of the most outstanding titles of the contemporary scene.

Among his most outstanding works in theater are the following All about my mother (directed by Francisco Franco), Cock' (Dir. Toño Serrano), 'Cock' (Dir. (Dir. Toño Serrano), 'Crímenes del corazón' (Crimes of the heart) (Dir. Enrique Singer), as well as Measure for Measure y 'Medea'.both directed by Mauricio García Lozano. He starred in Network' (Dir. Francisco Franco) with Daniel Giménez Cacho. (Dir. Francisco Franco) alongside Daniel Giménez Cacho, and Cabaret' (2024) (2024), with Irene Azuela.

Her work in film has received awards and special mentions on more than one occasion. Highlights include his Ariel Award nomination in 2015 for his starring performance in. 'Güeros' (Dir. Alonso Ruizpalacios); 'Las niñas bien' (Dir. Alejandra Márquez Abella), which would go on to win her the Ariel Award in 2019 in the Best Actress category, in addition to the Havana International Film Festival award for Best Actress (2018), the Lima International Film Festival award for Best Actress (2019) and a nomination for Best Female Performance at the Platinum Awards ( 2020); and 'Cathedral Square' (Dir. Abner Benaim) which would lead her to be nominated for the Platinum Awards for Best Female Performance (2022) and the Ariel Awards in the Best Actress category (2022).

Ilse lists more relevant participations in her filmography, such as Sabrás qué hacer conmigo' (You'll know what to do with me) (Dir. Katina Medina Mora), 'Museo' (Dir. Alonso Ruizpalacios), 'Museo' (Dir. (Dir. Alonso Ruizpalacios), 'Cantinflas' (Dir. Sebastián del Amo), 'Cantinflas (Dir. Sebastián del Amo), 'Amores Modernos' (Modern Loves) (Dir. Matias Meyer), 'Maquíllame otra vez' (Make Me Again) (Dir. Guillermo Calderón), 'My Teacher Ate My Best Friend' (Dir. José Sierra), 'My Teacher Ate My Best Friend' (Dir. José Sierra). (Dir. José Sierra), 'Family' (Dir. Rodrigo García), 'Family' (Dir. (Dir. Rodrigo García) and Pedro Páramo' (Dir. Rodrigo Prieto) and 'Pedro Páramo' (Dir. Rodrigo Prieto). (Dir. Rodrigo Prieto).

For television, she has been part of projects such as Locas de amor' (Locas de amor)(Televisa); Capadocia' (HBO); 'Capadocia' (HBO)(HBO); 'Mr. Avila' (HBO)(HBO); 'Historia de un crimen: Colosio' (Colosio).(Netflix); '100 Days to Fall in Love'(Telemundo); 'Señorita 89'(Fábula / Pantaya); 'La Liberación' (Prime Video)(Prime Video), a series for which she is also a producer; and 'Futuro Desierto' (Paramount Television)(Paramount Television).

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